Charles H. Rivkin
El 5 de septiembre 2017, Charles H. Rivkin se unió a la Motion Picture Association como director ejecutivo y se convirtió en presidente el 6 de diciembre de 2017. Lidera la misión global de la MPA de promover y apoyar una de las industrias más fuertes y vibrantes del país: el sector del cine, el video casero y la televisión de los Estados Unidos.
Anteriormente, Rivkin se desempeñó como Secretario de Estado Adjunto para Asuntos Económicos y Empresariales, desde febrero de 2014 hasta enero de 2017. Rivkin dirigió la oficina del Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos responsable de dirigir las negociaciones comerciales, los tratados de inversión, las sanciones económicas, los asuntos de transporte, las políticas de telecomunicaciones, las finanzas internacionales y cuestiones relacionadas con el desarrollo, así como la protección de los derechos de propiedad intelectual. Esta oficina también es el principal enlace del Departamento de Estado con el sector privado, mediante su Oficina de Asuntos Económicos y Empresariales, que defiende los intereses comerciales de los Estados Unidos en el exterior y trabaja para crear puestos de trabajo en el país facilitando la inversión extranjera. Además, Rivkin brindó asesoramiento a los 1600 oficiales económicos del Departamento en todo el mundo y a la Misión de los Estados Unidos para la Organización de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos.
Antes de su designación, Rivkin se desempeñó durante más de cuatro años como embajador de los Estados Unidos en Francia y Mónaco, donde lideró una misión diplomática que contenía seis entidades constitutivas en Francia y que representa a más de cincuenta organismos gubernamentales de los Estados Unidos.
Antes de su función pública, trabajó en el sector de medios durante más de veinte años, donde se desempeñó como presidente y director ejecutivo de premiadas empresas de entretenimiento, como The Jim Henson Company y Wildbrain. Rivkin ayudó a concertar la venta de The Jim Henson Company en 2000 por casi mil millones de dólares, y su aporte a la televisión ha influido en generaciones de espectadores. Antes de unirse al Departamento de Estado, Rivkin fue nombrado una de las cien personas más creativas de la industria por Fast Company.
El embajador Rivkin recibió su título de grado de la Universidad de Yale en 1984, donde obtuvo una distinción en ciencia política y relaciones internacionales. Obtuvo un MBA de la Universidad de Harvard en 1988. Personalmente, recibió la Légion d’honneur con el rango de Comandante de manos del presidente francés François Hollande (2013). Recibió el más alto honor de la ciudad de París —la Grande Médaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris— de parte de la alcaldesa de París Anne Hidalgo (2015), y el Secretario de la Marina, Ray Mabus, le otorgó el Premio por Servicio Público Distinguido de la Marina de los Estados Unidos (2017).

Carla Sanchez Armas
Carla Sanchez Armas is the Managing Director of Latin America for the Motion Picture Association. Based in Mexico City, she leads and executes the Association’s policy development and advocacy on the industry’s core priorities, including copyright, content protection, market access and production issues throughout the Latin America region, focusing on Mexico, Brazil and Argentina.
Having served in various roles in the Mexican government, Sanchez Armas joined the MPA from the office of the Presidency of Mexico, where she most recently served as the Country Brand and International Media Coordinator. She also served as the General Director of International Media, rising from the Deputy General Director role during which she founded the International Media Monitoring Center and liaised between federal government agencies and the international media corps. Her additional roles in the Mexican government include running communications for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where she designed and implemented the communications strategy for Mexico’s G20 Summit.
In 2008, as a local congresswoman in the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City, Sanchez Armas focused on issues of equity, domestic partnerships and women’s access to a life free of violence. During that time, she founded the Parliamentary Alliance to Fight Hunger in Latin America with FAO/UN and created and approved the first Food Safety bill ever approved in Mexico.
Sanchez Armas began her career with various roles in the Social Democratic Party of Mexico and worked on behalf of Iniciativa XXI (Initiative XXI) as the Gender Equity Secretary.
A well-respected speaker and writer on topics and issues affecting the region, she holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Harvard University, where she was a Fellow in the Edward S. Mason Program of Public Policy and Management and was recognized with the Eric Yankah Award for distinguished contributions. She completed her undergraduate studies at Iberoamericana University in Mexico City, where she received a Bachelor of Arts degree in International Relations.

Julie Anglin
Julie Anglin is a global policy and advocacy professional with over 20 years of experience facilitating trade and investment with emerging markets and developing strategies to improve market access for U.S. industry, with service spanning the trade association, federal agency, legislative and nonprofit settings.
In 2016, Julie joined the Motion Picture Association (MPA) where she addresses global public policy issues facing the movie, television, and streaming industries, with particular focus on Latin America.
Prior to joining MPA, Julie enjoyed 15 years of federal service at the International Trade Administration at the U.S. Department of Commerce, where she worked on several country desks for the Western Hemisphere, including Colombia and Central America. In this position, Julie played a key role in the negotiation, implementation and promotion of the U.S.-Colombia free trade agreement, which took effect in 2012.
While a federal officer, Julie also served at SelectUSA as an international investment specialist, where she liaised with foreign embassies regarding investment promotion and developed new resources to facilitate inward foreign direct investment.
Julie completed a Brookings Institution Legislative Fellowship with U.S. Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY). In that role, Julie advised the Congressman on foreign policy and trade issues related to the Western Hemisphere, Africa, the Middle East, G-20, and free trade agreements.
Julie was born and raised in Kentucky, USA. She earned a dual B.A. in History and Classics and a M.A. in Diplomacy and International Commerce from the University of Kentucky. Julie resides in the Washington, DC area with her family.

Carlos Monroy
Carlos Monroy served in the public sector for eleven years and has held different positions in the Mexican Congress and the Federal Administration. Until 2022, he performed as senior adviser to the former Minister of Economy, Tatiana Clouthier. During this period, Carlos oversaw Mexico’s industrial policy. He was also responsible for designing and implementing the Ministry’s policy for promoting the audiovisual industry. His extensive knowledge of crucial national stakeholders and experience designing industry-related policies contribute to advancing the MPA’s presence in Mexico. Carlos has a Political Science and International Relations BA from the Center for Economic Research and Teaching. He has an MSc in Government Affairs from the London School of Economics (LSE).

Andressa Pappas
With extensive experience in formulating and implementing public policies, as well as institutional and governmental affairs, Andressa Pappas has a degree in Law from Brasilia University Center (UniCeub), with a specialization in Conflict Resolutions and Negotiation from the International Business and Management Education Centre (IBMEC), and Negotiation Mastery from Harvard Business School. Her professional career includes 14 years in the Federal Government and currently 10 years in the corporate sector.
Currently, she is the General Manager and Director of Government Affairs at the Motion Picture Association – an organization that represents the largest producers and distributors of audiovisual content in the world: Disney, Netflix, Sony, Paramount, Universal and Warner Bros. Discovery.
Being responsible for the entity in Brazil, her mission is to, through various actions, actively collaborate with the development of the Brazilian media & entertainment industry.
In the Federal Government, she has worked at the Special Secretariat for Human Rights, designing and implementing public policies aimed at children and adolescents. She then advised the Secretary of State for Inclusive Production at the Ministry of Social Development, where she stood out in developing policies aimed at the inclusion of minorities in the Brazilian job market.
Soon after, she became General Coordinator of Sustainable Development, at the Ministry of Culture’s Secretariat of State of Audiovisual, where, after two years, she was invited to join the Motion Picture Association; currently coordinating all the organization’s initiatives and strategies in Brazil.